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Spring 1996 (Volume 34 Issue 1)

  • p.4 “Wellington to Norseman (Part 1)” by A.B. Wahlroth
  • p.14 “The Internet on Canadian Aviation History” by G. Dawson
  • p.16 “Alan Arnett McLeod VC: Canada's Schoolboy Hero” by C.A. Christie
  • p.22 “Flying the KR-34C” by J. Taylor
  • p.26 “A Salute to the BCATP” by R.H. Crone


Summer 1996 (Volume 34 Issue 2)

  • p.44] “The Making of a Record Flight” by J-L. Denis
  • p.54] “A Swift Affair” by J. Caron
  • p.58] “A Flight of Fancy: Billy Bishop versus Manfred von Richthofen” by P. Markham
  • p.62] “High Flight: The Story of John Gillespie Magee” by R.P. Bentham
  • p.66] “Wellington to Norseman (Part 2)” by A.B. Wahlroth


Fall 1996 (Volume 34 Issue 3)

  • p.80 “Growing Pains: DHC” by A.G. Wingate
  • p.88 “A Pilot's Wife” by L. Burton
  • p.92 “Big Boat Pilot: W/C L.L. (Slim) Jones” by F.W. Hotson
  • p.104 “War Graves and Memorials in our Midst” by H.A. Halliday


Winter 1996 (Volume 34 Issue 4)

  • p.120 “Spitfire...From the Deck to 30,000 Feet” by J.A. Rae
  • p.128 “Remembering Pinetree” by P. Ozorak
  • p.132 “John Roy Allan: Handley-Page Pilot” by S.K. Taylor
  • p.140 “Canadian Vickers Ltd, a Short History” by K.M. Molson